The End of Humans?

We cannot leave the devastation of global warming for the upcoming young people’s generation to fix.
Not only is that totally not fair ~
It will be too late.
Some say it already is.

Yet we must believe we still have a chance!
Because we do! But this window is rapidly closing.
Yes, much climate action is being taken today all over the world… But it is not near enough; not fast enough.

We all contributed to this. We must fix it.
We have the capability to reverse global warming.
The tools are already laying at our feet…

Together we are strong and powerful and way more in sheer numbers than those blocking climate measures with disinformation and division and neglect.

Let’s not just sit back and ignore climate change in the hopes it will magically go away… because it won’t.
Or hope that maybe tomorrow someone else will fix it.

With the strength and power of wisdom and heart,

Let’s JOIN the young people instead. Stand with them!

The End of Humans?

We cannot leave the devastation of global warming for the upcoming young people’s generation to fix.
Not only is that totally not fair ~
It will be too late.
Some say it already is.

Yet we must believe we still have a chance!
Because we do! But this window is rapidly closing.
Yes, much climate action is being taken today
all over the world…
But it is not near enough; not fast enough.

We all contributed to this. We must fix it.
We have the capability to reverse global warming.
The tools are already laying at our feet…

Together we are strong and powerful
and way more in sheer numbers
than those who are blocking climate measures
with disinformation and division and neglect.

Let’s not just sit back and ignore climate change
in the hopes it will magically go away…
Because it won’t.
Or hope that maybe tomorrow
someone else will fix it.

With the strength and power of wisdom and heart,
Let’s JOIN the young people instead.
Stand with them!