The “Big Squeeze”

Every politician. Every corporate CEO. All media reps.
Unless we push them to do so, they are NOT going to EVER take the Dramatic, Uncompromising Actions Needed to slow, stop and reverse climate change.

And if we continue to elect and re-elect them,
buying their products and listening to them…
Why should they?!?

It is time for us to get free from those blocking the intense action required… Don’t read, don’t watch, don’t click. Don’t listen to them or buy their products. Freeze them out. Starve them of their audience.

Leave them in the dust and don’t look back.

And please don’t vote for any of them again anymore!

Humankind in general is not the cause of the climate tragedy. It is caused by those in positions of power who continue to sacrifice what is absolutely priceless to the rest of us for their own profits and control.

It’s time for The Rise of the Climate Trailblazers!

And we MUST have their backs when they step up
to make the difficult decisions ~

VOTE for them! Buy their products! Listen to THEM!

The “Big Squeeze”

Every politician.
Every corporate CEO.
All media reps.

Unless we push them to do so, they are NOT going

to EVER take the
Dramatic, Uncompromising Actions Needed
to slow, stop and reverse climate change.

And if we continue
to elect and re-elect them,
buying their products and listening to them…
Why should they?!?

It is time for us to get free from those blocking the intense action required…

Don’t read, don’t watch, don’t click.
Don’t listen to them or buy their products.
Freeze them out.
Starve them of their audience.

Leave them in the dust and don’t look back.

And please don’t vote for any of them again anymore!

Humankind in general is not the cause of the climate tragedy. It is caused by those in positions of power who continue to sacrifice what is absolutely priceless to the rest of us for their own profits and control.

It’s time for
The Rise of the Climate Trailblazers!

And we MUST have their backs when they step up
to make the difficult decisions ~

VOTE for them! Buy their products! Listen to THEM!